It is estimated that there are currently more than 27 million men, women and children in bondage across the globe today. Human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, generating over US$150 Billion every year.
Your support means that they are able to prevent modern day slavery through education and awareness, protect and restore the lives of human trafficking victims, prosecute traffickers, and partner with governmental agencies and community members to see injustice abolished.
A21 is a global counter-trafficking organization dedicated to fighting slavery in the 21st century. They have 10 offices in 9 countries, with aftercare facilities in Greece and Bulgaria. Through external victim assistance, they also provide services to survivors of human trafficking in other countries such as Thailand, and ensure that they are supported and their needs are met.

Worldwide, 385 million children live in extreme poverty. Poverty robs children of their basic rights to learn, play and grow. In its ugliest form, poverty can lead to exploitation, child labour and even death. It’s unacceptable.
That’s why our Child Sponsorship Program exists.
Sponsor with confidence.
Our Child Sponsorship Program works. Independent research* shows Compassion sponsored children stay in school longer and are more likely to grow up to be employed and leaders in their communities.
Current children sponsored through the Loan Lounge:
- Jhake – 8
- AJ – 4
- Saw-aekri – 8
- Rose – 13

International Justice Mission
International Justice Mission is a leading anti-slavery organisation partnering with local law enforcement to protect people in poverty from violence. Its global work addresses slavery, violence against women and children (VAWC) and police abuse of power.
IJM’s model is holistic, encompassing:
- Investigation, rescue and aftercare support for survivors
- Prosecution and perpetrator accountability
- Training and advocacy to strengthen justice systems
- Scaling demand for protection around the world
Current statistics as of June 2024:
- 95,000+ people rescued from violence and slavery
- 7200+ criminals convicted
- 380,000+ people trained
Making a difference.
A story from our founder.
In 2012, when I was living in London, I attended a leadership conference at the Royal Albert Hall and a female speaker from the Western suburbs of Sydney spoke about the issue of human trafficking and how there were 21 million people in slavery. The highest it’s ever been in the history of the world.
As she was describing the horrific nature of the crime, an anger rose up inside of me at the injustice and I prayed to God saying ‘you should do something about this’ and then I heard a still, small voice say to me ‘you do something about it’ so I made a vow that when I started my business, I would do something about it.
That time came in 2015 when I started Loan Lounge and made a commitment to give 10% of our trail income monthly to our charity partners. What started out as $2 per month is now over $3,500 per month and continues to grow until we reach our mission of sustainably giving $1M per annum to end human trafficking.
I know that I will never be able to physically reach those that need it but our money can. Our money can go to places that are beyond us so at Loan Lounge, we have chosen to think beyond our present circumstances and build a business that focuses on people, planet and profit.
As you partner with us, whether it’s purchasing your 1st home, refinancing, investing – you go on a journey whereby your loan (at no additional cost to you) is helping fight this terrible crime.
Practically, we are paid commissions from the lender when we introduce you to them and paid an upfront commission and a trail commission. This means its in our best interest to provide you with the most competitive product and at the same time, 10% of the trail income is given to our charity partners for the life of the loan.
So in essence by working with the Loan Lounge, we put your interest first and by doing that, funds are released to fight injustice and you can know that your loan is releasing a women that has been trapped in slavery, bringing justice to a corrupt legal system, raising awareness and bringing education about this crime and lifting children out of poverty.
Come join us in financing a difference.
Nathaniel Truong